Teach Out Policy

California Health Sciences University intends for all University programs to remain viable for long periods of time. Should a program fail to meet expectations, however, and the program is deemed not viable through the decision process described in this document, no new students will be admitted to the degree program. Nevertheless, the University will make every reasonable effort to honor the commitment to graduate all students remaining in the program.

Any plan for termination or action to implement the termination of a University degree program must comply fully with the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) Teach-Out Policy (attached). The following guidelines govern the termination of University degree programs and teach-out plans:

  1. The academic unit in which the program is housed must first conduct a program review that carefully examines potential factors limiting the program’s viability, such as, but not limited to, demographic shifts, regional shifts, professional shifts, external agency requirements, enrollment trends, or financial considerations.
  2. If it is determined that termination of the program, rather than some other action to revise the program, is the best course of action, the academic unit will submit a proposal for termination to the Provost. Such a proposal should contain the appropriate evidence and rationale in support of the decision; a timeline and curriculum plan for the full teach-out; and a plan to notify stakeholders, including students, internal constituents, and external regulatory bodies (e.g., U.S. Department of Education, WSCUC).
  3. Upon approval of the proposal, the Provost will forward a recommendation to the President. The final decision to terminate the program will be made by the President and Board of Trustees.
  4. Of particular concern is that students be notified in writing of a date for program closure as early as possible or as required by state or federal law. The notice will also include the rationale for termination, as well as any additional costs, if any, related to the program closure.
  5. Faculty participating in the program will be notified in writing, as early as possible or as required by state or federal law, of a date for program closure, as well as the rationale for termination.
  6. Students are to be provided a clear listing of course offerings needed for program completion and a timeline in which such courses will be offered. The University will make every reasonable effort to offer the courses needed and to support students through program completion in a timely manner. As individual needs might require, independent study plans may be developed to assure that the students can meet the goals of their degree plans and be able to graduate in as timely a manner as possible.
  7. CHSU will also work with regional universities to negotiate transfer arrangements when feasible.