Student Travel Policy

CHSU encourages student participation in seminars, conferences, and educational programs that help promote better understanding of their areas of study and intended professions. Students are responsible for the costs incurred to participate in these programs. However, to aid in the development of students, individual colleges at CHSU may assist with funding certain expenses as described in this policy.

Funds can only be provided for approved activities in accordance with CHSU’s Business Office policies and IRS guidelines. Funding is available only for domestic travel through this program. Only fully completed and signed applications will be considered for funding. Students are strongly encouraged to obtain approval prior to making final travel arrangements because approval to travel, funding and/or reimbursement is not guaranteed.

To be considered for funding, students must first meet the following requirements:

1. Be in good academic standing as defined by the Academic Standing and Progress Policy of the college or program in which they are enrolled.

2. Submit a completed Student Travel Form, ideally forty-five (45) days in advance, but at least thirty (30) days prior to departure. The following materials must be submitted along with the Student Travel Form:

  • An approved Excused Absence request form as required by the applicable Attendance and Leaves of Absence Policy of the program in which the student is enrolled.
  • A completed travel budget; which is included in the Student Travel Form
  • A conference brochure/agenda, or proof of meeting requirements, if applicable
  • Details regarding the abstract or work to be presented, if applicable

3. If travel is related to a research project, such as a COM PRHS Project, or case report, the project/research must be conducted under the supervision of a CHSU faculty member or have been preapproved by the Director of Scholarly Activity for the applicable college or program.

Funding Available for Student Travel

There are different funding sources available for funding student travel including the Office of Student Affairs and the Office of Sponsored Research. Student organizations wishing to support their representatives to attend meetings are expected to provide some financial assistance from their own organizational funds.

Students are eligible for reimbursement of travel expenses as follows:

1Elected officers of official school organizations that represent the entire student body and are required to attend regional and/or national meetings (e.g., OPSC, SOMA, or COSGP) may be reimbursed for up to a maximum of $1,000 per student (depending on the travel budget of each individual program), per required meeting subject to the following limitations:

  • Maximum of two (2) officers to attend each required meeting.
  • Maximum of two (2) out of state meetings per year, per student.

2. Elected officers of official school organizations that represent special interest groups within the specific field of study and are required to attend regional and/or national meetings (e.g., SAAO, SAMOPS, ACOFP, etc.) may be reimbursed up to $1,000 per student (depending on the travel budget of each individual program), per required meeting subject to the following requirements:

  • Maximum of one (1) officer to attend each required meeting.
  • Maximum of one (1) out of state meetings per year, per student.

3. Students presenting a poster at a conference or seminar may be reimbursed up to a maximum of $500 per student subject to the following limitations:

  • The student presenting must be the first author or presenter.
  • The total research reimbursement limit per year is determined by the individual program budget, up to $1,000 per student.

4. COM Note: Completed PRHS Projects generally do not qualify as required travel cost but may be considered as deemed necessary by the Director of Scholarly Activity and the COM Dean.

Except as otherwise noted in this policy, students will be limited to no more than two reimbursed trips per academic year, one per semester. Other requests to the office of Student Affairs in each program may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

For students enrolled in the COM, examples include but are not limited to students choosing to attend an AACOM annual meeting, OMED annual meeting, or students who are running for state or national offices in a student organization. Funding will be subject to the following limitations:

  1. Reimbursement is limited to amounts up to $250 per occurrence and $500 per student per academic year.
  2. National officers for specialty organizations (not listed above) may be funded for annual sessions only if provided the organization is also providing some funding to attend. 
  3. Students may apply for reimbursement of travel expenses for one meeting or poster presentation per academic year. If funds are available, consideration will be given for additional requests that have the support from an Associate Dean, Director, or Dean, of the college or program.
  4. Approval for funding will be on a first come, first served basis. If funds are available, students may be considered for reimbursement of expenses that exceed limits listed in this policy.
Process for Submitting Travel Requests

1. Research Requests

  • Submit a research routing form to Director of Scholarly Activity for the COM students, or to the VP of Research of the University, as appropriate, which includes supporting documents; project write up, abstract, poster submissions, and identify CHSU faculty primary investigator.
  • If a project involves human subjects (IRB or QI), compliance with all regulations is required and any required approvals must be secured before applying for funds. Additional items may be requested if research is conducted through a clinic site.
  • Follow the remaining process described in section two (2) below.

2. All other requests

  • Submit Travel Request form to the Student Affairs department in the program in which the student is enrolled.
  • Upon verification of good academic standing and approved absence form, the request will be routed to the appropriate department for budget approval.
    • In the COM, expenses related to research or PRHS projects will go to the Director of Scholarly activity, and then the COM Dean, for review and approval of funds. For students in other programs, expense reimbursements will be routed to the appropriate department.
    • All other student requests, including student organization travel, will go to the Director / Assistant Dean for Student Affairs or equivalent for review and approval of funds.
  • After approvals have been completed, the student will receive a copy of the approved, or denied, request, along with the amount approved. It is the student’s responsibility to review this form for the final approved amount which may differ from the amount requested. CHSU strongly suggests students wait to book any travel until this approval has been completed so they may budget accordingly.

Reimbursement requests may be made after expenses have been incurred and must comply with both the CHSU Travel and Expense Reimbursement Policy and IRS regulations. Students must submit the approved Student Travel Request form and itemized receipts with any reimbursement request to be considered for payment. CHSU will only reimburse amounts up to those approved on the Student Travel Request Form.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) imposes the following requirements on reimbursement of business expenses: 1) there must be a business reason for the expense(s); 2) the individual must substantiate the expenses; and 3) there must be receipts and invoices that document the nature and amount of the expenditure(s).

Approved requests for reimbursement must be submitted to the university Accounts Payable department within a reasonable period of time, normally 30 days of the completion of the travel. Requests received after 60 days will not be reimbursed, as stated in CHSU Travel and Expense Reimbursement policy. All receipts submitted for reimbursement must be itemized. An itemized receipt must show the name of the establishment, date of service, items purchased, the amount paid for each item, tax, and tip (if applicable). Students can only submit requests for reimbursement of their expenses and may not request reimbursement for expenses incurred by other parties (e.g., other students, friends or relatives of the student, faculty, organizations). 

The Business Office processes reimbursements via ACH/direct deposit. If an ACH form has not been submitted to the Business Office previously, one must be submitted along with the reimbursement. Failure to have an ACH form on file may result in reimbursement delays.