Student Rights and Responsibilities Policy

CHSU students have certain rights and responsibilities in connection with their status as students of CHSU. Interestingly, the ongoing guarantee of these to all students is dependent upon all students’ understanding and participation and promotion of these rights. The following list of rights and responsibilities of the typical full-time student constitutes, the Code of Student Rights and Conduct. (The rights of a student may vary according to the student’s circumstances, individual status, residential, nonresidential, etc.).

Each student has the following rights and responsibilities:

  • To be in a learning environment in which the campus and University facilities are maintained to promote cleanliness and safety while using the campus in such a way to promote cleanliness and safety.
  • To electronically receive an University Catalog each academic year to better one’s understanding of CHSU's rules and regulations.
  • To drive and (space permitting) park on the campus by registering their vehicle with the facilities department and understanding traffic policies.
  • To receive due process in academic judicial situations.
  • To receive an education in a learning environment free from inappropriate harassment and access to a disciplinary system that will investigate and adjudicate allegations of inappropriate and harassing conduct.
  • To be represented in the Student Government Association (SGA) and have the ability to voice opinions and ideas to SGA members and vote in elections for SGA officers.
  • To join and participate in any or all student organizations for which they qualify for membership.
  • To participate in student activities and cultural events consistent with the policies regarding each CHSU event. 
  • To maintain and expect from all others a mature and professional bearing in all CHSU- related social and academic environments, on- or off-campus.
  • To maintain and expect from all students, faculty, and administration a high aiming standard of personal academic and social integrity.

Free Speech

Under this Rights and Responsibilities policy and California law, students have the constitutionally protected right of free expression and speech. CHSU believes that free speech and open communication are critical to its mission as an educational institution and therefore most speech and other forms of expression are protected.  

However, the right of free speech and free expression is not unlimited.  CHSU may set reasonable rules and regulations concerning the time, place, or manner in which students exercise the rights of free speech and free expression in order to ensure that the speech or expression do not unduly disrupt or otherwise interfere with the activities of CHSU.  Additionally, speech and other forms of expression are not protected and may violate the Student Code of Conduct in the following circumstances: 

  • Speech that constitutes “hate speech” or harassment. Hate speech is the use of words or images to threaten or harass individuals or groups based on their ethnicity, gender, gender expression, race, religion, sexual orientation, or any other similar aspect of identity. 
  • Speech that constitutes “fighting words.” Fighting words are speech or expression that meets all of the following criteria: (1) the speech must be addressed at a specific individual or particular group of individuals; (2) the speech is abusive rather than a communication of ideas; and (3) when considered objectively, the speech was likely to provoke a violent reaction. 
  • Speech that incites or is intended to incite imminent lawless action.
  • Speech that constitutes a “true threat.”  A true threat is a statement that is intended to frighten or intimidate a specific person or group so that they believe the speaker will cause them to be injured or otherwise harmed Expression that violates University rules, such as destruction or property, endangering others, assault, intentionally disrupting CHSU operations.
  • Speech that misrepresents the individual’s position, role, or authority.  For example, students, including club officers, and other members of the University community, are not permitted to speak on behalf of the University unless they have been specifically authorized to do so by the University President, or speak for CHSU unless specifically authorized to do so by the Dean.  Students can, however, speak for themselves, provided that the speech does not violate any of the other rules set out in this section.