Student Research and Scholarly Activity Policy

CHSU recognizes the value of research and scholarly activity in supporting academic excellence, the teaching and learning process, the advancement of innovation within the campus, the broader community, and the medical and pharmaceutical fields.

Research and scholarly activity will incorporate applied research, developmental research, discipline-based research, research focused on teaching and learning, and cultural competency and health disparities research.

Faculty and students are encouraged to undertake research and scholarly activity as an enhancement to the curriculum, as a further connection to industry and community, and to improve the teaching and learning process.

Each College, within its means, will provide the opportunities, infrastructure, and facilities to support and maintain an appropriate level of research and scholarly activity for its students. Collaborative research with academic, industrial, community, and clinical partners is a key component of research at the university.

Each College recognizes that experiential learning through participation in original research is a distinguishing feature of a well-rounded education and a hallmark of health professions schools in general. The synergistic relationship of student to mentor in the research environment provides benefit to both and advances the respect, recognition and reputation of the institution

Goals of Student Research and Scholarly Activity

  • Fostering development of analytical and decision-making skills under the guidance of experienced and qualified faculty.
  • Provide students with an opportunity to utilize their skills and talents to pursue a scholarly project of their choosing under the mentorship of an expert in the field.
  • Provide mentorship and guidance for students interested in careers that integrate research, teaching, and clinical service.

Support Funds

Internal funds can be used to conduct or disseminate research. Internal funds are those funds that are allocated as part of the larger University budget. All research funds are subject to University budget rules. The amount available to each College toward its research enterprise is variable and budget authority is managed by the appropriate Office of the Dean. The goal for these funds is to facilitate the best and most effective use of the funds and to align with the overall mission of the university and the college. Only full time and part-time (adjunct) faculty who serve as Faculty PI can request expenses that are to be used toward research to support student research projects. Support for the costs of research being done jointly by students and faculty may be covered by these funds subject to approval by the individual faculty PI and Dean. Student projects may be eligible for support from the research budget but only through an approved budget submitted by their faculty PI.

The faculty PI will submit the Routing Form and Project Description to the Director of Scholarly Activity at the College of Osteopathic Medicine, the Dean or Director of an academic program, or the Office of Sponsored Research.

Policies Applicable to Research Activities

  1. Students may reach out to any qualified faculty member to secure a mentored research experience. The faculty member must have applicable subject matter expertise and research experience. Students should understand that they may not be able to secure a mentor due to faculty availability. Students should therefore arrange for mentored research experience well in advance of the time they are planning to begin the research activity.
  2. Faculty PI’s are responsible for helping the student understand the science behind the research and providing them with the training needed to conduct accurate work and make progress in their research projects.
  3. All CHSU student researchers must have completed appropriate safety training, responsible conduct of research training through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) program before beginning a research activity. If the training is not completed, the student scholarly and research funds will not be awarded.
  4. The faculty mentor and student will determine appropriate times when the mentor or their designee will be available for direct supervision, when required for a particular mentoring activity.
  5. Research findings are subject to the CHSU Intellectual Property Policy.
  6. Students being mentored by a faculty member can publish or present their research, provided that they have obtained the permission of the faculty PI, the University, and the institution involved in the student research project. before presentation or publication in any form. If the mentoring faculty member is no longer employed at CHSU, the Dean or designee will appoint a substitute faculty mentor for this purpose. Any changes to the PI or the role of the PI must receive prior approval from the Office of Student Research and the Dean.
  7. When initiating a project, all mentors must have a CHSU faculty appointment whether full time, adjunct or clinical preceptors.
  8. Prior to initiating any research project involving human subjects, students and faculty PIs are required to ensure that the project has been approved by an Institutional Review Board. Students have approval of the Dean of their college or (designated) Office of Dean representative before participating or agreeing to participate in offsite research activities before commencing such research. Undertaking research without the Deans’ approval may result in disciplinary action determined by the dean.
  9. Research involving CHSU student data is subject to the requirements of the Policy for Requesting Student and Employee Data. Student Data must be requested using the CHSU Registrar Data Request Form. Contact the Registrar's Office for a copy of the form.  

Ethics in Research

Individuals enrolled as a student in CHSU who are engaged in the design, conduct or reporting of research regardless of whether the research is funded. This also applies to anyone engaged in the design, conduct or reporting of research through a sponsored program administered through CHSU either in whole or in collaboration with other institutions. 

Findings of Research Misconduct

A finding of research misconduct requires that there be a significant departure from accepted practices of the relevant research community, and that the misconduct be committed intentionally or knowingly or recklessly, and the allegation be proven by a preponderance of evidence. 


1. Reporting:  Any accusation of research misconduct from any source should be reported to the Provost’s Office either verbally or in writing. The Provost shall make a determination as to whether the accusations constitute good faith allegations of research misconduct and warrant further investigation. The Provost should also notify the accused party(s) in writing that an accusation has been made and whether an investigation will be initiated. Any person bringing an accusation of research misconduct in good faith is protected from retaliation by University policy; the University prohibits any such retaliation. Any person who knowingly brings a fraudulent accusation of research misconduct may be subject to discipline, up to and including dismissal or termination of employment with CHSU. 

2. Investigation: Should the Provost determine that further investigation is warranted, the Provost will select a single neutral investigator external to the University. The Provost has the discretionary authority to determine when there are concerns that make the use of an external investigator appropriate. This investigator will make findings of fact regarding the allegations based on a preponderance of the evidence.  Generally, the investigator will conduct the necessary business and issue a report to the Provost1. Both the accused and the accuser will receive copies of the investigator’s findings, but the full investigation report is confidential and neither party has rights to those documents. Following the investigation, the Provost may appoint an internal adjudicating panel to review the findings and make recommendations to the Provost as to an appropriate outcome. If an internal adjudicating panel is used, the Provost will make the final determination after reviewing the panel’s recommendations. If an internal adjudicating panel is not used, the Provost alone will be responsible for making a final determination based on the investigator’s findings.  

3. Reporting to Federal Agencies: The Provost or designee will notify the funding agency (or agencies in some cases) of an allegation of research misconduct if (1) the allegation involves Federally funded research (or an application for Federal funding) and meets the Federal definition of research misconduct given above; or (2) as otherwise required by law or requirements of the grantor funding such research. The University will provide any such documentation and information to the funding agency(ies) as required by law or the terms and conditions of the grant. Notwithstanding the above, at any time during an investigation, the institution will immediately notify the appropriate Federal agency if public health or safety is at risk; if agency resources or interests are threatened; if research activities should be suspended; if there is reasonable indication of possible violations of civil or criminal law; if Federal action is required to protect the interests of those involved in the investigation; if the research institution believes the inquiry or investigation may be made public prematurely so that appropriate steps can be taken to safeguard evidence and protect the rights of those involved; or if the research community or public should be informed.

4. Investigation Outcome and Disciplinary Procedures: The accused and complaining party will be notified by the Provost or designee of the outcome of the complaint. If research misconduct is found to occur, the accused may be subject to discipline up to and including dismissal or termination of employment. The Provost’s decision shall be final. If research misconduct is committed by a student, the Provost may choose to report the misconduct to the Student Progress Committee. 


Fabrication - Making up data or results and recording or reporting them. 

Falsification - Manipulating research materials, equipment, or processes, or changing or omitting data or results such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record. The research record is the record of data or results that embody the facts resulting from scientific inquiry, and includes, but is not limited to, research proposals, laboratory records, both physical and electronic, progress reports, abstracts, theses, oral presentations, internal reports and journal articles.

Plagiarism is defined by the University’s policy on Academic Freedom and Integrity, or law. 

Principal Investigator (PI) – The Principal Investigator is ultimately responsible for assuring compliance with applicable CHSU policies and procedures, governmental and grantor regulations and guidelines, and for the oversight of the research study.

Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) – CITI is an educational program for the protection of human subjects in research. Its focuses on the different aspects of bioethics and human subject research.

Routing Form – The Routing Form provides information and accountability management with project and researcher information, its budget, grant and anticipated research deliverables, and approvals by department chair and college deans.

Project Description – This supporting document to the Routing Form provides project title, research names, background, goals, and methods. The Principal Investigator may use grant or Letter of Intent application, abstract, etc.