Student Injury on Campus Reporting Policy

This policy has been revised effective 03/03/2025. The updated policy is located in the addendums section of the catalog. 

If a student experiences an accident or injury on campus, the student should report the incident to the Director of Security, as identified by the University’s Injury Illness and Prevention Program, and the student’s college- specific Student Services office immediately, and no later than 24 hours after the occurrence. If the University is closed, the incident should be reported the next business day. A member of the Facilities Department will complete an accident/injury report and forward to the Business Department and legal counsel.

A preliminary review, if warranted, will gather additional detailed information while it is fresh and accurate in the minds of those involved or who may have witnessed the incident. The Director of Security will assess the situation and details provided. Should there be any corrective action needed to prevent further future incidents, the Director of Security will develop and implement the correction action.

Data and statistics from all incident reports will be collected, analyzed, and presented to the Environmental Health & Safety Committee for review. This information will assist that committee in determining whether additional intervention is needed.

Reportable events may include, but are not limited, to the following:

  • Any injury to a student occurring on University premises or in connection with University business.
  • A condition presenting a safety hazard.
  • Damage to University property.