Student E-mail and Distribution Lists

Users CHSU assigns email accounts to students. The primary means of official communication with students will be through their CHSU email accounts unless otherwise prohibited by law. Course announcements, assignments and other information will be provided through the BrightSpace learning management system linked to student email. Staff and administrators will also send information to students through CHSU email. It is expected that students will frequently and regularly check their CHSU email accounts, including University holidays and breaks. For convenience, the CHSU email account can be configured to forward to another external email account. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that the forwarding system has been correctly setup and working properly. Students should remember that the Internet does not guarantee the privacy and confidentiality of information. Sensitive material transferred over the Internet (including FTP and E-mail) may be at risk of detection by a third party. Caution must be exercised when transferring material in any form. For further information, refer to the CHSU Information Privacy and Data Security Policy.

Official University email accounts and class-specific distribution lists may be provided to students through the learning management system in order to facilitate their education and communication with faculty and fellow students. Official distribution lists are for the express use of university-related business and are not to be used as a joke list, invitation list for private parties, business, or political endeavors. Such use of a distribution list will be considered a violation of this policy. Students should report problems with their CHSU email address to the IT Service Desk via