Student Conduct and Professionalism Policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance on CHSU’s expectations for the conduct and professionalism of CHSU students. This policy is applicable to current students, who may be subject to disciplinary action under this policy for conduct that occurs on-campus or off-campus.

All CHSU students are expected to adhere to a standard of behavior consistent with the University’s high standards at all times off and on campus. Compliance with institutional rules and policies and procedures, in addition to city, state and federal laws, is required of all students.

Allegations of unlawful harassment, discrimination, or retaliation are be processed under separate CHSU policies and procedures but may also violate the University’s and component colleges’ expectations for professionalism, conduct and ethics.

Code of Professional Conduct

Students are expected to comply with the following Code of Professional Conduct:

1. Respect for Patients.
Take the utmost care to ensure patient respect, confidentiality and dignity. As healthcare provider students, students must demonstrate respect for patients through appropriate language and behavior, including that which is non-threatening and non-judgmental. Patient privacy and modesty should be respected as much as possible during history taking, physical examinations, and any other contact maintaining professional relationships with the patients and their families. It is important for students to be truthful and not intentionally mislead or give false information. Students should avoid disclosing information to a patient that only the patient’s physician should reveal. Students should always consult more experienced members of the medical team regarding patient care, or at the request of the patient.

2. Respect for Faculty, Staff, Colleagues, Hospital Personnel, and Community
Students respect faculty, staff, colleagues, and others, including hospital personnel, guests, and members of the general public. This respect should be demonstrated by punctuality in relationships with patients and peers, prompt execution of reasonable instructions, and deference to those with superior knowledge, experience or capabilities. Students should express views in a calm and respectful manner when in disagreement with another individual, understanding that a mutual agreement is not always reached.

3. Respect for Self
All students should uphold a high level of personal ethics, and morals in their daily conduct.

4. Respect For Laws, Policies and Regulations
Students need to respect and comply with the laws, policies, and regulations at all levels of CHSU the local community, the State of California, and the federal government.

Violation of the Code of Professional Conduct

Professionalism is a core competency for all CHSU students. And is monitored through the students enrollment at CHSU. If a professional misconduct is observed the incident the students should be referred to the Office of Student Affairs. It is not possible to enumerate all forms of inappropriate or unprofessional behavior however, the following are examples of behavior that constitute a violation of University policy.

  1. Harm, abuse, bullying, hazing, damage, or theft to or of any individual or property;
  2. Physical or verbal bullying or the threat of such abuse to any individual;
  3. All forms of dishonesty: cheating, omissions, fraud, plagiarism (including self-plagiarism), unauthorize use or distribution of exams or exam content, knowingly furnishing false information to the University, forgery, alteration or unapproved use of records, or violation of CHSU Academic Freedom, Intellectual Honesty and Academic Integrity Policy, or aiding another in such dishonesty; Entering or using CHSU-operated or affiliate-operated hospital/clinic/research facilities without authorization;
  4. Disrupting teaching, research, administrative or student functions of the University;
  5. Convictions for violation of federal, state or local laws, felonies or misdemeanors, excluding minor traffic violations;
  6. Failure to report to CHSU administration within 48 hours personal violations of this policy, or personal actions which violate, or result in a charge of or arrest for a violation of federal, state or local laws;
  7. Violations of CHSU’s Student Alcohol, Drug and Tobacco Policy or CHSU’s Prohibited Drug and Alcohol Policy;*
  8. Placing a patient’s health and/or safety in jeopardy;
  9. Unethical disclosure of private or other confidential information. This includes but is not necessarily limited to, disclosure in violation of the law (e.g. HIPAA), CHSU policy or the policies and procedures of any CHSU affiliate;
  10. Behavior that demonstrates abusive or disrespectful conduct toward members of the faculty, administrative or professional staff, employees, students, patients or community members of the University;
  11. Violation of any established rules, policies or procedures of CHSU, CHSU-endorsed organizations, CHSU departments or affiliated institutions;
  12. Failure to report an observed violation of this policy;
  13. Failure to participate in a University-conducted investigation or hearings as well as mandated reporting requirements imposed by law or policy of CHSU or any of its affiliates;
  14. Conspiring, planning or attempting to achieve any of the above acts;
  15. Any other conduct which calls into question the student’s fitness to practice in the student’s area of study.

University-Wide Student Discipline Procedures

CHSU has established a multi-dimensional approach to adjudicating student misconduct and/or disciplinary issues. Complaints by students, CHSU employees or members of the public involving alleged misconduct by students in violation of this policy will be handled as follows:

  1. All communication concerning notice of a student’s alleged unprofessionalism will take place via the student’s CHSU email. Students are responsible for regularly checking their CHSU email account and responding to timely emails from the University.
  2. All college deans, associate/assistant deans, and designated staff in each College’s Office of Student Affairs, may address a student’s minor violations of this or other College or University policies with coaching, education or a written or verbal warning. A written notice of such minor violations may be, but is not required to be, given to the student. Examples of minor violations include, but are not necessarily limited to, being late to class, use of foul language, or disregard of a request made of the student.
  3. All reports of concerns regarding unprofessionalism, misconduct, unethical or other disruptive behavior, which is either severe, pervasive, or otherwise significantly disrupts the educational environment (“Complaints”) shall be sent to the College’s Office of Student Affairs. The determination regarding whether a student’s conduct rises to this level shall be made by the reporting party in consultation with the College’s Office of Student Affairs. 
  4. Upon receipt of a Complaint, the College Student Affairs Dean will review the initial report of alleged misconduct and determine if the allegation of misconduct is of the nature to merit an investigation.
  5. If the Complaint is of a nature to merit an investigation, the College Student Affairs Dean shall investigate the Complaint, or the College Student Affairs Dean may designate another qualified administrator or external investigator to do so. The student shall have the opportunity to be interviewed to provide their response to the Complaint and present relevant information (i.e., documents, names of witnesses, etc.) as part of the investigation. In most cases, the investigation shall not exceed 30 business days. If more time is needed, the College’s Office of Student Affairs will notify the student accused of misconduct. The applicable standard of evidence shall be preponderance of the evidence (i.e. more likely than not).

    After the investigation is complete, the investigator responsible for conducting the investigation will prepare a summary of the information gathered for the adjudicator. The College Student Affairs Dean will decide how the Complaint should be adjudicated depending on how severe or pervasive or disruptive the misconduct is. The multidimensional nature of CHSU’s disciplinary system allows for cases to be heard either by the appropriate college-level committee, an administrator(s) designated by the College Student Affairs Dean (other than the investigator), or an external adjudicator (other than the investigator). However, all cases involving potential suspension or dismissal shall be referred to the appropriate college- level committee. In all cases, a college dean such as the College Student Affairs Dean or Academic Affairs Dean shall notify the student in writing regarding the recommendation of the committee and the final determination of the investigation. The student is not entitled to the investigation file, notes of the investigator, or transcripts or recordings of interviews.
  6. Each college-specific level committee responsible for adjudication of Complaints under this policy shall develop procedures which shall govern such adjudication, providing the appropriate level of due process to students appearing before the committee. Such policies shall be included in the CHSU Student Catalog and Handbook under the appropriate college section.

Transcript Notations

Disciplinary matters are not recorded on a student’s academic transcript except in cases of suspension or dismissal. In cases of suspension, a temporary notation is placed on the student’s academic transcript for the duration of the suspension period.

In the event a student is found in violation of disciplinary misconduct leading to dismissal or suspension, the Registrar will develop and implement a transcript notation system appropriately designating the final outcome of the matter.

Record Keeping Requirements

With exception of disciplinary suspensions and dismissals, a student's disciplinary record is separate from the student’s academic record. A student is considered to have a disciplinary record when the Student Progress Committee (SPC) for CHSU COM or CHSU MSBS program finds the student in violation of one or more University or college policies. Each of the above committees has its own policy for processing, communication and subsequent potential appeal of the committee's findings. 

Students' disciplinary records are kept in the College Student Affairs Dean Office for seven (7) years after the date of the last violation. Suspensions and dismissals are posted on the student's transcript. Suspensions are posted for the duration of the suspension period and then removed upon re-enrollment.

In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, disciplinary student records may be released to another institution at which the student seeks or intends to enroll without the consent of the student. At which time, CHSU will make a reasonable attempt to notify the student about the disclosure.