Preceptor Evaluation of Student Performance

Preceptors complete a Clinical Competency Assessment at the end of every clerkship. The purpose is to provide feedback to guide both clinical and professional development. The Preceptor documents the performance of expected competencies as compared to other students at the same educational level. An attending physician must co-sign assessments submitted by interns or residents.

If a student works with more than one attending, more than one assessment will be accepted; multiple assessments may be averaged for a composite score. Electronic submission of evaluations is preferred; paper copies may be returned by the preceptor directly to Community Clinical Education or their CHSU Clinical Clerkship Coordinator.

The University recommends that students request an informal mid-clerkship feedback session to allow the student to determine whether there is consistency between the preceptor’s and student’s performance perceptions. In addition, should a student be experiencing difficulty on a clerkship, a mid-clerkship evaluation allows time for improvement prior to the end of the experience. This may help avoid surprises at the end of a clerkship and allows the student to address any problems proactively.

Preceptor approaches vary widely in providing students with feedback on performance. Preceptors may or may not review their assessment with the student; it is appropriate for the student to request such a review before completing the Clerkship. If the preceptor is not available to review the assessment with the student and the student has questions or concerns, the student should contact their CHSU Clinical Clerkship Coordinator.

At no time is it appropriate for a student to request a preceptor to change a rating, revise comments or challenge a preceptor regarding an assessment. If significant performance issues arise, an appropriate University official will notify the student. Students failing to maintain the utmost level of professionalism in dealing with any part of the assessment process may be referred to the appropriate University official.