Non-Academic Health Professionals

California Health Sciences University recognizes the sacred nature of the health care provider patient relationship. Furthermore, the University also recognizes the special and unique nature of the learner-educator relationship.

Therefore, to maintain the integrity of both types of relationships, it is the policy of California Health Sciences University that any health professional providing health services, via a therapeutic relationship, must recuse him/herself from the academic assessment or promotion of the student receiving those services. This would include but is not limited to educators involved in the assessment of students on campus, as well as preceptors who would be involved in the assessment of students on clinical clerkship rotations.

One possible exception to this situation could involve sessions that have an educational component but where a formal therapeutic relationship does not exist (e.g., clinical skills practice being overseen by faculty whose purpose is educational and not therapeutic in nature).

In the event of an extreme situation where the formation of a therapeutic relationship is unavoidable (such as in an emergency or very rural clinical location), the health of the student is the first priority. If care is needed to be delivered to a student and no other health care professional is available to render said care, the health professional delivering care must recuse themselves from assessing or promoting the student. Generally speaking, students are discouraged from seeking health care from their preceptor. If no alternate educator or preceptor is readily available for assessing or promoting the student, the educator/preceptor must contact following administrator for further guidance:

  1. College of Osteopathic Medicine Students: The Assistant Dean of Community Clinical Education in the COM or the Dean of the COM.