Complaints Concerning Approval to Operate or Accreditation Standards

The purpose of this policy is to provide: (a) notice to the public, students, faculty, staff, and administration regarding how to file a complaint regarding CHSU’s approval to operate or accreditation standards; and (b) an internal process at CHSU for processing complaints related to CHSU’s approval to operate or accreditation standards.

While members of the public, student body, faculty, staff, and administration have the option to file complaints directly with the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (“BPPE”) or an accreditor, CHSU encourages complainants to file the complaint directly with CHSU so that it may timely respond to and address allegations of non-compliance. Following the contact information for BPPE and accreditation agencies, CHSU’s internal process for such complaints is provided.

Information regarding accreditation status is available on CHSU’s website.

Approval to Operate – California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (“BPPE”)
Any questions a student may have regarding any CHSU academic catalog or other similar document that have not been satisfactorily answered by the institution may be directed to the BPPE. BPPE is located at 1747 North Market, Suite 225, Sacramento, CA 95834, and its website is available at BPPE can be reached by phone at (888) 370-7589 or (916) 431-6959 or by fax at (916)263-1897.

A student or any member of the public may file a complaint about CHSU or its component colleges with the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education by calling the phone number(s) above or by completing a complaint form, which can be obtained BPEE’s website, also listed above.

The BPPE’s Office of Student Assistance and Relief (OSAR) was created to assist students who suffer economic loss due to the unlawful activities or closure of a private college. OSAR is available to provide support and assistance for students to make informed decisions, understand their rights, and navigate available services and relief options. The office may be reached by calling (888) 370-7589 and selecting option 5 or by visiting OSAR’s webpage – Office of Student Assistance and Relief ( Students can also communicate with OSAR by Email ( or U.S. mail to P.O. Box 980818, West Sacramento, CA 95798-0818

WASC Senior College and University Commission (“WSCUC”) – CHSU’s Regional Accreditor
WSCUC is a regional accreditor. Regional accreditation is a form of institutional accreditation that involves a comprehensive review of all institutional functions. Regional accrediting organizations do not accredit individual programs, although new programs are actively reviewed through the substantive change process. More information on WSCUC accreditation, including the process to file a complaint directly with WSCUC, can be found on its website at WSCUC is located at 985 Atlantic Avenue, Suite 100, Alameda, CA 94501 and can be reached by phone at 510-748-9001 or by fax at 510-748-9797.

College of Osteopathic Medicine – AOA Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation
More information on COCA accreditation, including the process to file a complaint directly with COCA, can be found on its website at COCA is located at 142 E. Ontario Street, Chicago, IL, 60611, and can be reached by phone at (312) 202-8124.

CHSU Process for Complaints Regarding Approval to Operate or Accreditation Standards
CHSU takes complaints regarding non-compliance with laws, regulations, or accreditation standards of BPPE and its various accreditors seriously. CHSU prohibits retaliation of any kind against a complainant or other CHSU employee or student for filing a complaint regarding approval to operate or accreditation, or for participating in any investigation or other process related to the filing of such complaint. Below is the process for filing a complaint directly with CHSU regarding such matters.

  • Step 1 – Written Complaint: A complaint regarding approval to operate or accreditation standards may be filed in writing with the Office of the Provost (or designee). The Provost shall develop a complaint form for such purpose.
  • Step 2 – Review of Complaint: The Office of the Provost (or designee) shall be responsible for overseeing the processing of the written complaint. The Provost (or designee) will determine if an investigation is required. If an investigation is required, the Office of the Provost may appoint an investigator to make findings of fact related to the allegations in the complaint and submit such findings to the Provost (or designee). If an investigation is not required, the Provost (or designee) will review the complaint and make a determination regarding whether the allegations are true.
  • Step 3 – Written Decision: Within sixty (60) business days of receipt of the complaint, the Provost (or designee) shall provide written notice of the determination regarding the complaint.
  • Step 4 – Appeal: If a complainant is not satisfied with the outcome of the Provost’s (or designee’s) determination, the complainant may appeal the determination to the University President within five (5) business days of receipt of the determination. The University President (or designee) shall review the complaint, the investigation (if applicable) and the Provost’s (or designee’s) determination. The President shall provide a written decision regarding the appeal within ten (10) business days of receipt of the appeal. The President’s decision shall be final.

The Office of the Provost shall be responsible for tracking and keeping records of all complaints related to approval to operate or accreditation standards, including appeals of such complaints. Additionally, the Office of the Provost shall be responsible for adhering to any reporting requirements imposed by BPPE or an accreditation agency regarding the existence and outcome of the complaint.