COM Grading System and Quality Points - (Revised)

Addendum - This policy has been revised effective 03/03/2025. The addition of a "S" (Satisfactory) grade for the OMS III Clerkships that require 8 weeks, i.e., Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, and Surgery)

Semester Credit Hours

For students in the first two years (preclinical) of the medical education curriculum, one (1) unit of credit is assigned for a minimum of 750 minutes of formalized classroom instruction that requires students to work an average of twice the amount of time for out-of-class assignments (1,500 minutes). For courses that include additional workshop and/or laboratory sessions, one (1) credit hour equals 25 clock hours of formalized instruction plus 12.5 clock hours for student out-of-class assignments.

For clinical clerkships in the third and fourth year of the medical education curriculum, one (1) credit hour is assigned for each 37.5 clock hour.

CHSU College of Osteopathic Medicine defines a semester length as 20 weeks for the first- and second-year students (pre-clinical instructional coursework) with a summer intersession. The third- and fourth-year students complete clinical rotations as assigned throughout the academic calendar year.

Grading System

Cumulative grade point averages are computed with a quality point system. Quality points show the relationship between your grade in a class and the number of credits earned. Each letter grade received in a course corresponds to a point value (GPA points) using a scale, ranging from 0.0-4.0. Students receive GPA points based on the letter grade received in a course, as described on the chart below. The number of quality points is determined by multiplying the number of points for the grade in the class by the number of class credits. Students’ overall GPA is determined by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the total number of credits attempted.

The interpretation of the letter grades and their quality point values is as follows:

A. Preclinical Grading System

Grade Description GPA Quality


3.50 – 4.00

B 80-90% 3.00 – 3.45


2.00 – 2.90

F <70% 0.00
RC >70% - Remediation Successfully Completed 2.00
RF <70% - Remediation Failed 0.00

> 70% and above




Percentage Score

GPA Points

Percentage Score

GPA Points

Percentage Score

GPA Points



89% 3.45 79% 2.90



88% 3.40 78% 2.80


3.90 87% 3.35 77% 2.70


3.85 86% 3.30 76% 2.60


3.80 85% 3.25 75% 2.50


3.75 84% 3.20 74% 2.40


3.70 83% 3.15 73% 2.30


3.65 82% 3.10 72% 2.20


3.60 81% 3.05 71% 2.10


3.55 80% 3.00 70% 2.00


3.50     <70% 0.00

Percentage Score Earned and Quality Points Awarded

The interpretation of the Percent Score and GPA Quality points relationship is described above in tabular form. 

Percentage scores earned are rounded to the nearest integer/whole number.

Rounding Percentage Scores Earned

Exam scores are rounded to the nearest integer/whole number. If the first digit to the right of the decimal or in tenths place is less than or equal to 4, the percentage score earned is rounded to the nearest whole number (e.g., 79.4 is rounded to 79). All digits after the decimal point are dropped. If the tenths digit is greater than or equal to 5, the grade is rounded to the next whole number (e.g., 79.6 is rounded to 80). All digits after the decimal point are dropped.

B. Core Clinical Clerkship Grading System OMS-III - (Clerkships with COMATs) 

Grade Description GPA Quality



1. A high COMAT Score set by the COM curriculum committee and based on national data, which is reviewed annually; and 

2. Preceptor evaluation scores: Mean 3.5 or higher (out of 4.0)




1. An acceptable COMAT Score set by the COM curriculum committee and based on national data, which is reviewed annually; and 

2. Preceptor evaluation scores: Mean 1.5 or higher (out of 4.0)





Remediation Successfully Passed

S **Satisfactory --

The specific scores for honors and passing will be posted in the student clerkship manual and on the clerkship syllabi.

**There are three (3) Core Clinical Clerkships during the OMS-III year. These Clerkships are to be completed in two separate four-week schedules, i.e. Family Medicine- I and II, Internal Medicine- I and II, and Surgery- I and II.

Upon completion of the first 4-weeks of the clerkship and receipt of an overall preceptor evaluation that confirms the student has met expectations of the respective course, a mark of “S” will be recorded on the transcript as a placeholder to validate the student’s satisfactory completion of the clerkship. The placeholder will remain on the student’s transcript until the required second 4-week clerkship has been completed.

After completion of the second 4-week clerkship and receipt of preceptor evaluation and COMAT score, the “S” mark on the transcript will be replaced with a P, NP, RP, or an H grade.

C. Electives and OMS-IV Clerkship Grading System (Clerkships without COMATs) 



Quality Points


Pass - Meets expectations on preceptor eval.


Non-Pass -Does not meet expectations on preceptor eval.


Additional Grade Marks Excluded from Grade-Point Average (GPA) Calculations

Grade Description


IP In Progress
W Withdrawal
Y Pending Remediation

Incomplete Grade (IC): Courses

The grade of IC (incomplete) may be assigned to a student who otherwise is passing the course but is unable to complete all the required coursework and/or examinations due to extenuating circumstances (such as illness, death in the family, injury due to accident, etc.). The “IC” grade is not counted in the grade point calculation and must be replaced before the student can register for the next academic term unless other arrangements have been made by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Assessment to extend the deadline. If the “IC” mark is not removed within the stated period of time, it will automatically change to a grade of F. In cases of illness or extreme circumstance, the “IC” mark may be changed to a grade of “W”, with the approval of the Dean.

Incomplete Grade (IC): Clerkships/Rotations

If a student is unable to finish a rotation due to an extraordinary personal or family situation, they must notify their primary preceptor and the Office of Academic Affairs prior to leaving the rotation. A grade of “IC” will be recorded until the rotation can be successfully completed. The “IC” grade will then be replaced by the applicable grade earned. A student with an “IC” mark on their transcript at the beginning of the fourth-year clerkships will not be allowed to begin their fourth-year rotations until the “IC” has been removed from the transcript.

In Progress Grade (IP)

The grade of “IP” (in progress) may be assigned by the course directors to students whose work at the end of a term is still in progress because the course requires more than one term to complete. Students who receive an IP grade must complete course requirements within one year. Students who satisfactorily complete the course requirements will receive a grade as described in this policy. However, a grade of “IP” will automatically change to an “F” or “NP” (depending on the selected grading method) after one year if no other grade has been assigned. “IP” grades count as credits attempted and as credits earned upon completion of the course. Students with “IP” grades are not re-enrolled for the course and cannot use these credits for enrollment or financial aid in subsequent terms.

Remediation Placeholder (Y): Clerkships/Rotations

The “Y” mark is a provisional placeholder for any student required to remediate a failed clerkship. A failed clerkship must be remediated within 30 days from the end-date of the scheduled clerkship. If the student has successfully passed the remediation, the “Y” mark will be changed to a “RP” grade. If the remediation is not successful, the “Y” mark will be changed to a “NP” (non-pass) grade and the student will be required to repeat the clerkship.

Clinical Rank: Clerkship/Rotations

A clinical rank separate from the pre-clinical rank will be calculated from a combination of clerkship COMAT scores and preceptor evaluations.