CHSU Academic Records and Transcripts Policy

The purpose of this policy is to preserve the integrity of the institution’s academic records and comply with the rules and regulations set by California State Law, including California Bureau for Private Education (BPPE) on the issuance of student academic transcripts.

Academic Records - Transcripts

The Office of the Registrar is responsible for maintaining and safeguarding student academic records and ensuring accuracy of a student’s academic performance while attending California Health Sciences University (CHSU) which is reflected on the transcript. The transcript is a permanent record card annotating all academic coursework and other pertinent information about a student enrolled at CHSU.

The Office of the Registrar produces official transcripts for all current and former students upon receipt of authorization. In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), transcripts are issued only at the written request of the student. The request to release the transcript must bear the signature of the student and date of the request.

Official transcripts contain the seal of the university and the signature of the University Registrar. Paper official transcripts processed by the Registrar’s Office are printed on a light burgundy tamper proof security paper and mailed in a sealed envelope stamped as “Official Transcript” across the envelope. Paper transcripts issued to students are stamped “Issued to Student”. A valid picture ID must be presented when picking up a transcript in-person.

Transcript Elements

Student transcripts are maintained as the official record of all courses taken at CHSU, academic credits received, and degrees awarded. CHSU includes the following data elements on the student’s academic record:

  • Name (as it appears on the student’s university record) and Address of the Institution
  • Official Academic Transcript
  • Legal Name of the student including first, last, and if applicable, middle initial
  • Student ID number
  • Date of Birth – month and day only
  • Transcript Generation Date
  • Matriculation Date
  • Terms of Attendance
  • Course Identification, Campus Identification for Course
  • Credits Attempted per course, Credits Earned per course, Unit of Credit
  • Grades
  • Term Grade Point Average (GPA) and Cumulative GPA
  • Leave of Absence, Academic and Disciplinary Suspension (removed after the period of suspension)
  • Dismissal or Withdrawal and effective date
  • Title of Degree earned, Date Conferred
  • Honors

A transcript key is printed on the back side of the transcript paper that clarifies the information presented on the academic transcript and provides guidance for understanding and evaluating the information listed on the academic transcript.

Regulation – Restriction on Access to a Transcript

In compliance with the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE), Education Code section 94897, CHSU shall not do any of the following:

  1. Refuse to provide a transcript for a current or former student on the grounds that the student owes a debt.
  2. Condition the provision of a transcript on the payment of a debt, other than a fee charged to provide the transcript.
  3. Charge a higher fee for obtaining a transcript or provide less favorable treatment of a transcript request because a student owes a debt.
  4. Use transcript issuance as a tool for debt collection.  
Retention of Academic Records

The Office of the Registrar maintains the education records for each student enrolled at CHSU for a period of five (5) years from date of graduation or last date of attendance. A student’s academic record on file includes, but not limited, to the following items:

  • Transcripts from other institutions that include transfer credits used toward the completion of a CHSU educational program
  • Examination scores used for admissions
  • Copies of all documents signed by a student, enrollment agreement and financial aid documents
  • Withdrawal forms from CHSU, leave of absence records, and graduation petition forms
  • Independent study course contracts
  • Grade appeals and grade changes
  • Academic progression plans
  • Disciplinary notices

The Office of the Registrar maintains student records in the student management system (SONIS) containing the name, address, email address, telephone number, date of birth, gender, and ethnicity of each student who is enrolled in an academic program at CHSU. Student records maintained by the Office of the Registrar are kept for a minimum of five years from completion of or withdrawal from a California Health Sciences program. The academic transcript is a permanent student record maintained by the Office of the Registrar.